316 research outputs found

    The Descent of Darwin—A Theological Understanding of Charles Darwin

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    In the process of seeking to understand Charles Darwin and his ideas that have come to dominate much of the modern/postmodern, western worldview, it is essential to elucidate the historical context in which both are developed is essential to elucidate. This approach asserts a reciprocity between Darwin the man (son, explorer, naturalist, husband, father, controversialist)and his ideas that not only derive from his life experiences but also contribute to them. An obvious place to start in this regard is the relationship he has with his mother. Although seemingly Freudian in tone, the purpose for this analysis does not include a psychoanalytical critique of their relationship. Rather, to show that Susannah Darwin\u27s religious beliefs imprint Darwin’s thoughts about God and religion for the rest of his life is the goal. Indeed, the turmoil that involves both God and religion during the latter part of his life exposes the nebulous faith foundation for which his mother is most influential when he is a young lad. A more intimate portrait of the relationship between Susannah and Charles Darwin, especially in its religious dimensions, proves most helpful in placing his worldview in historical context

    A Systematic Review of Blockchain Literature in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Identifying Research Questions and Future Directions

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    Potential blockchain applications in logistics and supply chain (LSCM) have gained increasing attention within both academia and industry. However, as a field in its infancy, blockchain research often lacks theoretical foundations, and it is not clear which and to what extent organizational theories are used to investigate blockchain technology in the field of LSCM. In response, based upon a systematic literature review, this paper: (a) identifies the most relevant organizational theories used in blockchain literature in the context of LSCM; and (b) examines the content of the identified organizational theories to formulate relevant research questions for investigating blockchain technology in LSCM. Our results show that blockchain literature in LSCM is based around six organizational theories, namely: agency theory, information theory, institutional theory, network theory, the resource-based view and transaction cost analysis. We also present how these theories can be used to examine specific blockchain problems by identifying blockchain-specific research questions that are worthy of investigation

    Bedeutung von Standards für Innovationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Standards für Distributed Ledger Technologien in der Transportlogistik

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    Die Transportlogistik ist aufgrund ihres unternehmensübergreifenden Charakters oft durch eine sehr hohe Komplexität gekennzeichnet. Dem effizienten Austausch von Informationen entlang von Wert-schöpfungsketten und der Koordination der an der Leistungserstellung beteiligten Akteure kommt in diesem Kontext eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Blockchain- und Distributed-Ledger-Technologien können grundsätzlich dabei helfen, die interorganisationale Abstimmung zu erleichtern, die Effizienz und Qualität von Prozessen zu erhöhen und korrespondierende Kosten zu sparen. Zahlreiche Bei-spiele aus dem In- und Ausland demonstrieren eindrucksvoll das Potential von Blockchain-Lösun-gen im Supply Chain Management. Für viele Unternehmen der Transport- und Logistikbranche ist die Nutzung dieser neuen Technolo-gien zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt jedoch noch mit hohen Risiken verbunden. Besonders kritisch ist in diesem Zusammenhang das Fehlen von Standards zu beurteilen, das selbst technologieaffine Be-triebe mit entsprechendem Know-how und Investitionsmöglichkeiten vor große Herausforderungen stellt. Die Verfügbarkeit von (offenen) Standards und unternehmensübergreifend anwendbaren Re-ferenzlösungen bildet eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für den Abbau von Investitionsrisiken. Aus diesem Grund ist es erforderlich, die Rolle von Standards bei der Entwicklung und Diffusion von Blockchain-Lösungen zu untersuchen

    Identifying Carbon Reduction Potentials in Road Transportation: Creating a Carbon-Tracking Tool for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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    Improving environmental performance of road transport through carbon reduction initiatives can be a demand challenge, in particular for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Whether existing carbon reduction potentials are effectively and efficiently uncovered largely depends on the availability of information as well as on how to make use of it. An often-observed problem is the lack of tools for SMEs to obtain useful carbon-related information from road transport. Against the background of a case study of the carbon-tracking tool CO2-Tec, this paper highlights the importance of decision-making information and demonstrates how carbon reduction potentials in road transportation can be uncovered for SMEs. Particular attention is paid to the information needs of the SMEs and how these needs can be fulfilled. The analysis of the results suggests a pattern of action that increases the efficacy and efficiency of information management and use in corporate practice

    Blockchain for and in Logistics: What to Adopt and Where to Start

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    Despite the claim that blockchain will revolutionise business and redefine logistics, existing research so far is limited concerning frameworks that categorise blockchain application potentials and their implications. In particular, academic literature in transport and logistics to date has not sufficiently distinguished between blockchain adoption ('what to adopt') and the identification of the right business opportunity ('where to start'). In response, this paper (1) uses Rogers¿ (2003) 'attributes of innovation framework' to identify potential blockchain applications and (2) presents a framework explicating four transformation phases to subsequently categorise the identified areas of application according to their effects on organisational structures and processes. Using academic and practitioner literature, we classify possible applications for adoption and provide a framework to identify blockchain opportunities in the logistics industry, thereby helping managers to systematically assess where to start building organisational capabilities in order to successfully adopt and deploy blockchain-based technology

    Citylogistik Wien: Der Einfluss von Paketdienstleistern auf den Gesamtverkehr. Endbericht der Studie

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    In der öffentlichen Diskussion über die Citylogistik der Stadt Wien werden zunehmend Kurier-, Express und Paket (KEP)-Dienste für die Überlastung des Gesamtverkehrs verantwortlich gemacht. Jedoch gibt es kaum spezifische Erkenntnisse oder Studien darüber, in welchem Ausmaß KEP-Dienstleister im Vergleich zu anderen gewerblichen Branchen zum Gesamtverkehrsaufkommen in Wien beitragen. Um diese Diskussion zu versachlichen, wurde eine empirische Bestandsaufnahme durchgeführt, die sich mit drei Forschungsschwerpunkten befasst: 1. dem Anteil der Paketlogistik am Gesamtverkehr der Stadt Wien, 2. den Optionen für eine effiziente Gestaltung der Gesamtverkehrssituation in Wien, sowie 3. der potenziellen Schadstoff/CO2-Einsparung durch eine komplette Umstellung der Post-eigenen Paketzustellflotte auf E-Fahrzeuge

    Unbiased high-content screening reveals Aβ- and tau-independent synaptotoxic activities in human brain homogenates from Alzheimer\u27s patients and high-pathology controls

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is tightly correlated with synapse loss in vulnerable brain regions. It is assumed that specific molecular entities such as Aβ and tau cause synapse loss in AD, yet unbiased screens for synaptotoxic activities have not been performed. Here, we performed size exclusion chromatography on soluble human brain homogenates from AD cases, high pathology non-demented controls, and low pathology age-matched controls using our novel high content primary cultured neuron-based screening assay. Both presynaptic and postsynaptic toxicities were elevated in homogenates from AD cases and high pathology non-demented controls to a similar extent, with more modest synaptotoxic activities in homogenates from low pathology normal controls. Surprisingly, synaptotoxic activities were found in size fractions peaking between the 17-44 kDa size standards that did not match well with Aβ and tau immunoreactive species in these homogenates. The fractions containing previously identified high molecular weight soluble amyloid beta aggregates/ oligomers were non-toxic in this assay. Furthermore, immunodepletion of Aβ and tau did not reduce synaptotoxic activity. This result contrasts with previous findings involving the same methods applied to 3xTg-AD mouse brain extracts. The nature of the synaptotoxic species has not been identified. Overall, our data indicates one or more potential Aβ and tau independent synaptotoxic activities in human AD brain homogenates. This result aligns well with the key role of synaptic loss in the early cognitive decline and may provide new insight into AD pathophysiology

    The antecedents, consequences, and mediating role of workload among Chinese courier drivers

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    The growth of e-commerce in China can be regarded as a significant factor in the increase in occupational stress and the voluntary turnover of courier drivers. This paper aims to investigate selected occupational stress factors behind the turnover intentions of Chinese courier drivers. Using data from 229 couriers employed at the largest delivery companies in China, this study applies structural equation modelling to investigate not only the direct relationships between job-stress factors and turnover intentions but also the extent to which workload indirectly mediates turnover intentions among couriers. The results indicate that a combination of high workload with social stressors leads to turnover intentions. In particular, it was found that workload completely mediated the relationship between both the independent variables and the intention to leave the industry, suggesting that when workloads are high, the net effect of negative work experiences with regard to verbal aggression and ambiguous customer expectations increases the likelihood of an intention to leave the industry. Although restricted to China, this is one of the first studies investigating the effects of courier drivers’ job stressors which highlights the importance of delivery companies working with staff to mitigate job stressors to reduce turnover intention